First, the school principle respects the difference, humanist, the individuality health, the multiplex development. In a message to Tsinghua University, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote, "education determines the present as well as the future of mankind. Through education, human society needs to train people who are needed by the society. It needs to impart the known knowledge, renew the old knowledge, excavate the new knowledge and explore the unknown, so as to enable people to better understand and transform the world and create a better future for mankind.". The outline of the national plan for Medium-and Long-term Educational Reform and development also clearly requires that, we must "insist on all-round development, the unity of cultural knowledge learning and ideological and moral cultivation, the unity of theoretical learning and social practice, the unity of all-round development and personality development. ". Education is not only the national economy, but also the people's livelihood. People-oriented and all-round development is not only the essence of education, but also the pursuit of schools. The foundation of carrying out the party's educational policy and carrying out the basic task of moral education is students'all-round development. Facing all students, facing all-round students, following the Law of education, developing quality-oriented education, we can achieve the goal of condensing people's hearts, improving personality, developing manpower, cultivating talents and benefiting the people. We must resolutely reverse the tendency of one-sided examination-oriented education, resolutely change the tone of the theory of only going to school, and lay a good foundation for students to adapt to social life, accept higher education and future career development. The guiding opinions of the State Council General Office on promoting the reform of general high school education in the new era clearly point out that, we should "strengthen the guidance of students' ideals, psychology, study and life, help students establish correct ideals and beliefs, correctly understand themselves, and properly handle the relationship between their personal interests and the needs of the state and society. " The outlook on the world and on life has not yet formed, so the health of personality is especially important and needs positive guidance. To develop students'personality, we should take students'initiative development as the basis, fully respect students, make students fully understand individual value, build up self-confidence, and let all students'personality and potential develop to the greatest extent. At the same time, we should strengthen and improve the construction of moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education in an all-round way, and build the first line of defense for middle school students to recognize the society. Also through the cultural infiltration, education activities, the example of the impact of physical and mental health of every student in school. To let every child have confidence in themselves, have hope for the future, so that every student has the opportunity to make a difference. Will participate in the social construction, will be able to find their own position, forever carries forward the positive energy for the society. At the National Education Conference, General Secretary Xi Jinping laid out a clear-cut theme: "WHO to train is the most important issue in education. ". General High School Education is the outlet of the basic education, which undertakes the mission of laying the foundation for students'success in life, and is the key period of laying the foundation for students'success in life. To firm the ideals and beliefs of students, education to guide students to set up a great ideal, with the motherland, have aspirations, have the responsibility. We should strengthen moral cultivation and have great love and great virtue. Confucius said, "I am worried because I do not practice virtue, I do not speak of learning, I can not move righteousness, and I can not change bad things. " . It can be said that moral cultivation is the first cultivation of middle school students. At the same time, we should make it clear that the first important task for middle school students is to learn. Extensive learning, a wide range of dabble, rich knowledge, growth ability. We must work hard, work hard, persevere, and never give up. As a middle school student in the new era, only in this way can we shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation. After stepping into the community can return to the motherland, society and family, to be a true patriot, love the family, dare to assume responsibility. It's the only way to have a successful life.







三、校风:求实  担当  合作  创新

四、教风:严谨  包容  善导  敬业

五、学风:勤奋  多思  自律  笃行


      质量立校   特色兴校

     立德树人   多元成才

       质量立校 —— 始终坚持通过提高教育教学质量,打造学校品牌,以改善生源的基本价值取向。尤其是要通过构建优秀学生成长平台,开发优秀学生课程体系,提升优秀学生培养质量,吸引优秀学生选择伊璞中学。在校学生和家长的认可,是我们最重要的招生广告。

      特色兴校 —— 在学生培养上,以“自主管理、主动发展、自主选择、个性发展”的特色为统领,加大学生的自主管理力度、深度和广度;同时依托永锋集团等,进一步推进学生的综合实践力度;借助英国伊璞中学等资源,搭建与国际知名中学交流学习平台,为不同学生提供个性化发展需求。探索办学模式多样化,在常规班基础上逐步摸索国际班办学模式,推进教育的国际化。

